4 Seasons / 4 Jahreszeiten
Es muss nicht Vivaldi sein…
Es muss nicht Vivaldi sein…
“Escaping Cutup-Symphony”
Arbitrary fragmented emotions poured in parts… so not following some special tradition or theory despite that it’s devided into four movements.
Just a cut up symphony with curated partly naive parts that were brought up into a hopefully fitting listenable sequence – and with melodic sometimes romantic themes.
Vivid, calm, melancholic, ironic, despaired, abstract… sometimes more chamber music sometimes even more… interim switching
“Eine Symphonie? Ist das nicht zu gewagt? Gibt es da nicht genaue anspruchsvolle Vorgaben, die wirklich nur wenigen besonders Talentierten vorbehalten sind? Nun ja – eher ja und nein.
Der Begriff und die ihm zugrundeliegenden Ideen haben sich immer wieder verändert. Jeder kann eine Symphonie schaffen, wenn denn der Wunsch da ist und auch genug Arbeit dahinter steckt. Hier war es so. Es fehlen halt nur Angaben wie: “Studierte an der Folkwang-Uni bei Prof. Wicoreck Komposition, Stipendium beim Jaques Weinberg-Institute” usw..
Naiv, schlicht, teils kammermusikalisch mit einigen auch melodischen Motiven…
released October 15, 2020
virtual classical instruments, some synths + some real guitar
Used instruments:
Korg MS-10, Solina, Electric guitars, Concert guitars, Voices, Recorders, RX11
originally was intended to be brought out as a tape with this selection
drum-computer, acoustic + electric guitars, electric basses, MS-10, solina, vocals, fx
All done with 4-Track-Recording in the days (1988).
Mastered after all laters.
This is a collection of compositions using partly techniques of “minimal music” which means having changes on repetitive and rhythmic motives. Sometimes very fast, sometimes not so.
Philip Glass and Mike Oldfield are for sure influences but after all though it’s my own style I hope.
Instrumental -> for multiple electric and acoustic guitars, synthesizers, shawns, electric basses, melodica, hand percussion,
Everything recorded by hand – without MIDI! (except for one programmed repetitive drum-computer part on one track).
Recorded with a 4-Track Recorder. Mixed sometimes with higher playback-speed.
Remastered laters…
Six tracks are from 1990. One from 1987, one from 1988.
Only for the hardcore minds probably – as there is nothing polished at all.
Which also was not possible the way the music was done these days… what was recorded was there and could not be separated any more.
No (drum) computers/sequencers/midi. Everything was hand played!
All tunes were recorded via tape to tape, from one cassette recorder to another cassette recorder. Often this procedure was repeated so that more instruments can be heard for the price of lower quality of course.
So it is as it was. And it was fun. Raw, playful, childish, romantic, weird, unbearable, embarassing and so on.
The only thing which was done laters was some kind of mastering and denoising in parts.
Some Favorites:
Mark Duruti Andante, Aloha Azora Garah, Ballet, Stück für Ringelsweide, Das Gnadenungeheuer
For the Brave:
Und wir klatschen in die Hände, Seli Christ, Wandalenpest, Lehrlinge der Ungeduld
released May 25, 2020
Korg MS-10, Concert guitar, Electric guitar, Vocals
Only for the hardcore minds probably – as there is nothing polished at all.
Which also was not possible the way the music was done these homerecording days … what was recorded was there and could not be separated any more.
No (drum) computers/sequencers/midi. Everything was hand played (except for the casio rhythm on track 1).
All tunes were recorded via tape to tape, from one cassette recorder to another cassette recorder. Often this procedure was repeated so that more instruments can be heard for the price of lower quality of course.
So it is as it was. And it was fun. Raw, playful, childish, romantic, weird, unbearable, embarassing and so on.
The only thing which was done laters was some kind of mastering and denoising in parts.
Some Favorites:
Die wunderbare Welt der Marghuerite Duras, Soundtrack… more
Korg MS-10, Concert guitar, Electric guitar, Vocals, Glockenspiel, Melodica, Recorder flute
This is a selected collection of instrumental tunes with real guitars, basses and other (virtual) instruments, which are mostly somewhat adventurous.
From some years ago til not so far from recently.
Taking the idea of a cities repair team, there is without doubt lots to do for them. So they listen to music while driving to the next town, having to prepare for fixing lots of problems..
Sometimes they need to dream, sometimes they have to take care of natural things to be not forgotten.
What about the emissions by the aeroplanes and impacts of the industry? Sometimes urban planning seems to be utter nonsense, when things go wrong. Don’t forget the origins and how they would like to live. People can get lost and no one gives a cry. So – what if there could be some things changed to the better?
Meet the team!
Genres: Surf-Rock, Twang, Wave, Desert-Rock, Downbeat, Psychedelic
Genres: Chamber, Dark TripHop, Classical, Soundtrack, Interim
1988 – one tape-recorded live session solo-guitar improphony in the rehearsal room. Never published before.
If you like Free Jazz (eg Derek Bailey) and free unconditioned guitars- then that’s for you possibly.
“Metal machine music” (1975) by Lou Reed was some very long kind of loopish electric guitar monotonously effected drone. “Stahlwerk-Symphonie” (1981) by The Krupps was great as a huge rock noise piece. Both are considered to be out of place monoliths.
So this is also one:
It is different. It is extreme universal noisy, heavy folk (versus rock, blues-guitar-schemes) – one extremely detuned and modified during playing electric guitar gives here the party. Sometimes it sounds like some ethnic instrument sometimes like an ominous monster. So there are passages where the tuning is controlled via fast turning of the swirls plus extreme bending of the losened strings and it sounds like a Dan Bau (sort of).
It’s crying, frightening, disturbing, percussive, raged, calm – with lots of energies.
Welcome to a piece of music which missed to be put on some historical pedestal – where it should has its place. (if you like history writing at all)